Daily Archives: 2017-01-10

With all the changes you’ve been through, it seems the stranger’s always you.

So, uh… Somebody paid for my brunch on Sunday and I have no idea who it was? Was it somebody I know? Or who knows Tech Support (since you paid his too)? Presumably if you’re an acquaintance you’d have said “hi” so maybe it was just one of those Random Acts Of Kindness people sometimes do? Then again, it was 11am on a Sunday and I’m not saying that my sleeping habits are Entirely Fucked™ but even on a good day I tend not to recognise people out of context so maybe you did try to say hi?
If so: I am very sorry for ignoring you.

In any case, I am still very confused, nonetheless, thank you.

Of course, being very confused is my natural state of existence, so.

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