Category Archives: life update

In the scale of things it’s unimportant.

Going through yearly site maintenance and contemplating migrating servers later this year. Feels overdue to wreck my shit, you know?

Also getting real fuckin’ sick of Alphabet Inc. and will be slapping the downloads into a badly formatted webpage rather than continuing trying to rely on the Google Drive.

The problem with the drive is that it intermittently revokes visitor permissions for no reason. So I have to regularly check to make sure it’s even accessible at all. This is a problem because I’m lazy and don’t regularly check it.

Being that the Asylum takes up barely any of its allotted server space, it kind of doesn’t make sense to keep wasting time arguing with the barely functional G-Drive when I can just. Be barely functional on my own terms.

That out of the way, I’m officially 8 weeks post-op. Content warning for photos of surgical incisions, although they’re mostly healed at this stage.

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Keeping a comfortable distance.

A bit over one month post-op now, doing alright overall aside from giving myself food poisoning last week. Is it possible I reverted to eating garbage too soon after taking antibiotics?
Truly one of life’s many mysteries.

Content warning for dressing changes, it’s my blog and I get to post uncensored photographs of partially healed surgical incisions if I want to.

Two online purchases arrived on the same day and I’m living like if Dr. Frankenstein wasn’t a coward.

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You try and try to ignore.

Looks like we made it to 2025, congratulations.

2024 was… kind of wild?

Back in February I was on site at the NGV for a university summer intensive.

Blood Record
Basse Stittgen, Blood Record | NGV Triennial, 2023-2024

Highly recommend even for casual non-academic purposes if you’re in Melbourne, most exhibits at the NGV are free, you can just walk right on in there.

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It’s not happening on purpose.

Hey party people.

Study abroad seems to have worked out after a year of Paperwork Hell™ and I landed safely in Japan at the end of March.

Conceptually aeroplanes are way more fucked up than cars, however, cars are still functionally scarier on account of I’ve never been expected to drive a plane.

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A mechanical thing.

  Congratulations on surviving another year. It’s a little ways into 2024 now and things are more or less alright so far.

When the university reopened for the year I got in contact with the study abroad team regarding enrollment, as aside from confirmation that the application was received, I have not heard back from the exchange partner as of yet and was uncertain if I needed to cut my losses and enroll at the home university. However, I’ve since been informed that I should expect a formal response early next month so do not need to stress myself out about it just yet.

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What do you think is the new thing?

Great news, everyone:
The casual intimacy of sitting slightly too close to another human has cured my depression enough to update the gallery for the first time in about three years!

Well, either that or being back on iron supplements means my brain isn’t deprived of oxygen any more so I’ve stopped being insane? Seems unlikely though.

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