Author Archives: Chicken Prince

About Chicken Prince

Sentient non-being entity.

Don’t let me promise you things I cannot do.

A word on my cosplay practices in relation to piercings:

hider jewellery
Hider jewellery.

When cosplaying as characters who don’t feature any visible piercings (and excluding the occasions where a degree of artistic liberty is taken), I utilise hider-jewellery for the big stupid holes in and around my face.

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Everything that kills me makes me feel alive.

Fact: I have been a huge South Park fan since way back and recently quit life to play their new game; The Stick of Truth.

tSoT title screen displayed with plush dolls.
Plush dolls from 1998, times sure have changed since then.

This is a game I’d been looking forward to for… quite a long time, which feels a little strange being that I’ve never had more than a passing interest in any of their previous ventures into videogame territory. Shows don’t always translate so well into games (or, for that matter, the other way around), not to mention that nagging fear that anything you look forward to will be underwhelming.

Thankfully this was not one of those occasions.

Warning for spoilers and inappropriate content which may or may not follow.

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It’s three drinks too late to talk to anyone but myself.

Recently I have been vaguely attempting to actually work on personal cosplay projects again (after realising that we’re nearly a quarter into 2014 already and all I’ve really done between paid jobs is wallow in self-pity).

Life is hard.

To be honest I’m not really cut out for this whole “being an adult” thing.
True story: I’ve gotten up every day with the intention of cutting my fingernails for the past month-and-a-half. They’re impractically long, chipped, cracked, dented, and any day now one is going to break right back at the skin line and it’s going to hurt like a fuck.
But I just can’t bring myself to care.

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It’s easy to be angry at something that you don’t understand.

Every so often I think: “It sure would be swell to make stupid cosplay music videos!”

But then remember that I possess neither the appropriate technology nor organisational skills where it comes to other people- besides the fact that most of my peers are grown-ups with adult responsibilities who have little to no tolerance for childish hobbies anyway.

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