Author Archives: Chicken Prince

About Chicken Prince

Sentient non-being entity.

Was this a part of your plan? I don’t really understand.

A couple of months back I changed banks because I’m a greedy millennial using two kidneys instead of selling one to buy houses, y’know?

Kidney for sale.
For sale: Right kidney.

Long story short I can’t afford account fees right now so switched to a bank that doesn’t have them because I really don’t want any repeats of a past situation where I couldn’t afford account fees and was fined. For being broke.
But hey, stop eating avocado toast and get a higher paying job, right?

That was 10 years ago though, I’ve got the benefit of hindsight on my side now. Also, if a bank fines you, just go into a branch like, “I’m poor as fuck.” And they’ll probably waive the fees, in my personal experience banks want your money and are pretty willing to help you get back on your feet if you don’t have any. Within reason.

The website for the bank I opted to switch to claimed accounts could be opened in under 10 minutes, I was skeptical but hey, at the risk of identity fraud, gave it a solid go.

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It’s how I’m meant to function.

Blog entries excluding 2014 have been updated, so links and images outside of that specific year should all be functional again.

Unfortunately during the move all the discussion comments were lost, though I’m not too cut up about it since this is largely an exercise in self-indulgence anyway; interaction is very much secondary to whatever fresh nonsense I’m typing out at any given moment.

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Trust me because I know the options.

Things have been a little bit spotty around here for the past month or so. Due to a change in circumstances I’ve moved servers again. Loading times have taken a hit since we’re not in Australia anymore, but on a purely personal level I just really hate Jeff Bezos as an individual and it seemed fundamentally wrong to continue utilizing AWS as a direct result of this deeply subjective vendetta.*

That and I wanted full unsupervised access to things I will definitely break. Being an adult is utterly destroying something and having nobody to blame but yourself, after all.

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Cheap office coffee is running through my veins.

Some time ago I begrudgingly began rebuilding the Asylum for better responsiveness on mobile devices, since that’s the way the way people are currently headed despite my best efforts to discourage them.
Unfortunately, aside from telephones, I was also deeply resentful of all my hobbies at that time and wound up pushing the project aside.

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Does the silence get lonely?

Thanks for checking in, I know it’s been a while, the December meltdown hit right on schedule and was an absolutely devastating ride I did not want to be on.

Met my neighbour right in the middle of it too, poor dude definitely thinks I’m a fucking weirdo now. Like, he’s not wrong exactly, but still. Kind of a shame; he has what looks to be a pretty sweet gaming set up and a more socially competent person probably could’ve initiated some better small talk with that.

Hopefully 2019 will be better but it’s still summer and I’m still a ghost.

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Nothing is ever going to make me stop.

Kicking this off with a quick note that my Fur Affinity and Google+ accounts have been deleted as they were no longer in use and hadn’t been for… quite some time.

female-presenting nipples,”–

The addresses for my main eMail, Twitter, and Tumblr accounts have also been updated in a vague attempt to manage a more consistent online identity; although Tumblr have recently banned adult content and a big part of my initial interest in that cesspit of a hellsite was their general lack of censorship. Now that “Female Presenting Nipples“(?!) are illegal it’s pretty much on the same level as Facebook or Instagram so may not be worth maintaining much longer.

female-presenting nipples
When you attempt to use inclusive language to uphold conservative double standards.

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Information’s just not going in.

Despite the less then ideal condition my right arm currently finds itself in, I have managed to complete both Sketchtember and Inktober for 2018 thanks to a mostly functional left (last year I burned out after 26 and 19 days respectively, though RSI wasn’t the sole deciding factor, it certainly played its part).

Didn’t use prompts this time around figuring it’d be less stressful to just churn out whatever without thinking too hard about it.

Feel free to check out the works in the Gallery, or in their respective folders on Facebook if you don’t feel like hunting around. Actually I haven’t even finished uploading Inktober here yet, so…

Headless Puppy
Inktober 2018 | Day 30

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Release (breathe).

Recently I have captured what is, beyond any reasonable doubt, the greatest photograph I have ever taken and will ever take:

Everything else is downhill from here.
she does not protec
she does not atac
she constantly screm for additional snacc

From here on out any continued attempt at existence on my part is a mere formality as I passively await Death’s tender embrace.

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I know what I am (and I’m your villain).

Time to finish this months overdue trilogy of trouble. Why has it taken so long? Well friends, you see, I have zero time management skills and even less motivation!

To recap: this heinously outdated write-up concerns the Odlaw costume I revisited last New Year for a Where’s Wally? themed party.

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