Category Archives: life update

Led away by imperfect impostors.

This passed weekend Tech Support celebrated his 30th birthday. There was much festivity with friends and colleagues on Friday (from which I unfortunately had to depart rather early), then a little bit more on Sunday with family members.

Now, something you may or may not know about Tech Support, is that he has this weird thing about goombas (or kuribo), the squishy brown mushroom/chestnut like creatures from Nintendo’s Super Mario franchise.

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Maybe we could find new ways to fall apart?

It was a busy weekend.

Finally got a new bed. The details of the situation are complicated and boring but I promise you this was so far overdue it wasn’t even funny any more. Sleeping is hard.

But that is not important.

On Sunday it was Golden Owl Events annual Wintervalk parade.

Costume events are definitely my jam, but so often I find myself somewhere between too busy or too socially awkward to attend. This passed weekend that was not the case. Hallward happened to be going and graciously offered to drive, so I figured it was a good excuse to bust out the goat from New Year.

For the record: I was right.

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Get back in line.

Just a quick note today:

The past couple of weeks have been spent going through all the digital work I’ve put together over the years for costume projects; cleaning up some of the older ones and getting them all organised to share in a public Google Drive.

It is finally ready to be unveiled and can be found over here.

The images are all 300dpi .png, full colour and ready to print. They consist mostly of placement prints, logos and labels for clothing and uniforms, along with a few stickers, badges and character identification cards for good measure.
I don’t know if people ever print images directly from the Asylum or my dA or whatever, but nothing I upload around the place ever exceeds 72dpi so the printed quality would leave something to be desired in that situation.

A lot of work went into them and occasionally people ask about using certain pieces so… have at it, kids! Putting them all together in the drive saves a bit of time; help yourselves rather than waiting on emails.

Items on the drive will be progressively added to and updated as necessary.

It’d be nice to be credited if you use them, though I don’t ask for any compensation as they were mostly copied down from existing sources and are not really my designs. Just a lot of love and effort that only ever gets used a handful of times, so it’s really nice to think somebody else might get some sort of enjoyment from the fruits of this ridiculous hobby.

Or don’t.

The first time I opened my mouth to speak, steam escaped to the air.

With all the recent discussion on the Asylum’s history, you know what I’ve never even made a failed attempt at cataloguing? The blog. Not once.

The habit (or lack there of) likely stems from the early days, when the blog software I was utilising had absolutely no security, so if spam-bots began adding comments to an entry, I’d just delete it. Initially it was a matter of deleting the comments only, but keeping up became tiresome and I sure am lazy.

Considering the highly personal nature of my online activities back in the day, removing that old mess is something which likely would have eventuated anyhow.

Not that we aren’t about to get super up-close and personal here right now! Please, sit down comfortably and pay attention to the rambling tales of my mundane everyday goings-on!

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You want to know? Know that it doesn’t hurt me.

Hello friends.

We recently talked about the Asylum being one year and ten years, which got me looking for any backups left around, even going so far as to try my luck with the Wayback Machine; while there were some snapshots of one of the early versions of the site, all of the images (and many of the links) were unfortunately broken.

Remembering the Asylum was used as a part of my interview folio for tertiary education upon finishing highschool, I had a search for the disk, without much luck. With so many books it may have been tucked into, paired with the fact I’ve moved house since then- it may have been straight up thrown out, or still be somewhere in my parents’ house- for the time being it feels like a lost cause.

Father is disappoint with my inability to reliably maintain such important historical records.

All said and done, I was able to locate a copy of the most recent version prior to the domain change:

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Half accidental, half painful instrumental.

It has been a little over one year since moving the Asylum to its own domain. A double celebration no less; as this project originally began life back in 2004.

Officially ten years of the most gloriously self-indulgent procrastination!

Have I ever told you about the time somebody graciously informed me that I was: “Incapable of loving another human more than you love that stupid computer!” ? Well, that person was wrong and neither they nor the original computer in question have been a part of my life for a very long time now.

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Don’t let me promise you things I cannot do.

A word on my cosplay practices in relation to piercings:

hider jewellery
Hider jewellery.

When cosplaying as characters who don’t feature any visible piercings (and excluding the occasions where a degree of artistic liberty is taken), I utilise hider-jewellery for the big stupid holes in and around my face.

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Everything that kills me makes me feel alive.

Fact: I have been a huge South Park fan since way back and recently quit life to play their new game; The Stick of Truth.

tSoT title screen displayed with plush dolls.
Plush dolls from 1998, times sure have changed since then.

This is a game I’d been looking forward to for… quite a long time, which feels a little strange being that I’ve never had more than a passing interest in any of their previous ventures into videogame territory. Shows don’t always translate so well into games (or, for that matter, the other way around), not to mention that nagging fear that anything you look forward to will be underwhelming.

Thankfully this was not one of those occasions.

Warning for spoilers and inappropriate content which may or may not follow.

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