Let’s talk costumes, let’s discuss how my Hermann Gottlieb of Pacific Rim has been undergoing some degree of alteration since his last outing, in the form of an updated ID badge (which has already been discussed in some depth), new shirt, and even new glasses.
Author Archives: Chicken Prince
These fingertips are moving faster than these lips.
A couple of weeks ago the Project 365 Photography Challenge I’d been posting on Facebook came to an end (speaking of FB, the progress photo galleries there have been re-categorised by series, rather than the more vague ‘props’ and ‘clothing’ I’d set up originally).
All we’ve ever wanted is to look good naked.
Two things:
- New and improved email address, it’s been updated in the usual places (about, contact, etc.) so, get on it if you happen to have the old one saved somewhere, in the off-chance you need to email me or whatever. Or don’t, truth be told it doesn’t really matter which one of my 473 email addresses you use, they all forward to the same handful of inboxes anyway. Real talk though, I don’t even have a good reason for having so many, not any more at least, but I guess that particular conversation is neither here nor there.
- I’ve taken to having “read more” cuts on all the blog entires, to save the main blog page from getting too long and cluttered. Also to hide anything of a more adult persuasion from slapping people in the face without fair warning first.
Speaking of adult content, it was my birthday some weeks ago and MaEmon has yet again provided a beautifully illustrated card…
You think running will help?
It’s barely even spring and the weather is warming up already. Way to get ahead of yourself, seasons.
Fill up your ice trays, put the soda water and lime juice in the fridge, and the vodka in the freezer- assuming you have a standard domestic freezer set somewhere in the vicinity of -23°C to -18°C (the freezing point of 80 proof vodka being around -27°C), the trick is getting each liquid as cold as possible without actually freezing- excluding the ice cubes of course (fully frozen beverages would just be a pain to get out of their respective bottles).
What you want is a combination of vodka and ice cold enough to freeze the cordial and soda into a slushie-like consistency.
Dance it up with flavoured vodka or gin or whatever, maybe throw in some crushed mint or fruit, I don’t own you. Just remember to ask your parents first if you’re under the legal drinking age.
Want another fun summertime activity?
Your need for me has been replaced.
A few weeks ago I wrapped my co-pilot in cling film, kind of like a re-enactment of Ulrich Haarbürste’s Roy Orbison fanfictions;
Entirely wrapped in cling film…
Leaving us to ourselves but not exactly alone.
No time to unwind after returning home from the brief holiday last week, I had 3 days of work to catch up on, weekend plans to rearrange, and a convention to prepare costumes for.
Last year was the final Manifest. It felt sudden to me, but who knows how long the staff had been considering shutting it down? At this point though, that’s all old news. Many attendees of Manifest had speculated that perhaps something else would kick off to fill the void.
This was not an incorrect speculation to make.
If you can’t get back again, you can change the way it is.
Was it a bad time to take a brief break after that last entry? Absolutely not, I have no idea what you’re even talking about?!
The past week or so has been busy. Are people beginning to venture out again after their winter hibernation? Will there be a brief stint of social interaction in the overlap before I settle in for aestivation? Time will tell.
Last week Tech Support took some time off work and we spent two nights at the Langham hotel on Southbank in Melbourne to celebrate our seventh anniversary. Seven years!
His colleagues were convinced he was going to propose or something, which he found funny and I found mildly offensive (there are a myriad of personal reasons why I am against legal marriage), but we’ll just leave that one alone for now.
Redemption is a word that has no meaning here.
Some time ago it was mentioned that my co-pilot, MaEmon, had left a copy of the infamous “Saucy Fanfic” in my charge and that I had intentions of sharing the work here (for posterity sake, if nothing else).
It seems that time has now come.
Please, if you should so choose to read it, take this work with a grain of salt.
The Saucy Fanfiction was something MaEmon and I conceived during highschool. It is unfinished in fact it’s barely even started (probably a good thing) and likely never will be.
Being the work of over-caffeinated sleep-deprived teenage pieces of weeaboo trash, you can probably guess that this is at best going to be juvenile and poorly written, and at worst downright offensive.
Possible triggers include but may not be limited to:
Non-consent, dubious consent, gore, death, violence, possible implications of ephebophilia, and weird Freudian complexes. Not necessarily in that order.
This work is only to be viewed by persons 18 years of age or older.
Viewer discretion is strongly advised.
The idea for the Saucy Fanfic was primarily to make fun of every fandom we enjoyed at that point in our lives, and also to take a jab at fanfiction in general. The sort of fanfiction with poor characterisation, gaping plot-holes, and the barest veil of threadbare story so thinly draped over blatant (and terrifying) pornography that you’re left wondering why they even bothered trying to cover those stains at all.
Think along the lines of Tara Gilesbie’s infamous “My Immortal” Harry Potter fic, maybe a dash of Ulrich Haarburste’s bizarrely sensual if not erotic tales of wrapping Roy Orbison entirely in cling film, or even Snowqueens Icedragon’s terrifyingly inaccurate Twilight-based portrayal of BDSM “Master of the Universe” (don’t be confused by the name, it has nothing to do with He-Man) which you can actually pick up from your local book store, sans Twilight references, under the name “50 Shades of Grey” (really goes to show that even the most unresearched of badly written smut can be marketable if you put the right spin on it).
Not to forget a quick shout-out to one of our personal favourite Evangelion crack-fics: the Pen Pen Chronicles by Adam Friedman.
While the Saucy Fanfic never made it to full fruition, there is a beginning and also a hand-written notebook riddled with terrible scenes and ideas. As of yet I have not had the chance to transcribe the notebook. Who knows what the future may hold?
For now… please stop reading and direct your browsers elsewhere…
Leaving a trail of destruction is both easier and more effective when the ultimate goal is not disclosed.
About a month ago it was my co-pilot’s birthday and I had this grand plan of putting together a Rockfort Prison shirt based on Resident Evil’s Steve Burnside for her because, well, we’ve been talking about it for ages without actively doing anything about it…
Led away by imperfect impostors.
This passed weekend Tech Support celebrated his 30th birthday. There was much festivity with friends and colleagues on Friday (from which I unfortunately had to depart rather early), then a little bit more on Sunday with family members.
Now, something you may or may not know about Tech Support, is that he has this weird thing about goombas (or kuribo), the squishy brown mushroom/chestnut like creatures from Nintendo’s Super Mario franchise.