How many stitches do you think it takes to fix a cut that bad?

Feels like it’s been a while, yeah?

There are a few costume projects I’d like to post some updates about but… they’re currently at awkward in-between phases and I just don’t feel like there’s enough material to warrant an entire blog entry, you know? It’d just feel all kinds of half-baked. But not in the delicious cake-batter sort of a way.

So instead of neglecting this place any further, lets talk about the fact that I finally finished that awful “30 days” meme I started last August. If the time passed has been 15 months then I guess that puts it to an average of two images per month. Longest 30 days ever.

If you want to complete it for yourself, then you can find the full list over on Fur Affinity: Korth’s 30 days of porn artist challenge.

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It would be okay if you’d pretend to be surprised.

Okay, so, I mentioned that the iron had busted- which meant I was pretty useless since ironing things is a fundamental part of whatever it is that I do.

Well, I’ve since nabbed a replacement for $10 down at the local supermarket. It’s kind of a stand-in until I get my shit together enough to organise something better- and it’s horrible. It’s really light and feels like it’s going to crumble in my vice-lice grip (which, for the record, is not actually vice-like at all). The cable is too short, the supposedly non-stick plate grips most fabrics something fierce, thus causing more creasing than it presses- seriously guy, you have one job!

It also smells funny.

But… at least I calmed down long enough between iron-based rage to sort out the housework that’d been steadily piling up. Isn’t housework the worst? If you’re doing it right then nobody notices, so nobody mentions it. But if you don’t have time and miss one thing? Shit son, everybody feels a need to point out what a mess you are.

Costumes may or may not be a thing that start happening again depending how I go with this shitty iron.

Didn’t go to Armageddon on the weekend partly due to not finishing the intended costumes (broken iron, yo) and partly due to family stuff. But mostly costumes, facts are facts and we all know I’d ditch most of the people close to me in a second if it meant flouncing about dressed as fictional characters. This is probably why I don’t have friends.

But let’s talk about something more interesting, hey?!

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When you’ve got no other choice you know you can follow my voice.

The Melbourne Zombie Shuffle was last Saturday so the better part of last week was spent putting the final touches on the costumes.

This year we got a small group together, cosplaying characters from the web comic Maggot Boy. Being about zombies it seemed appropriate- not to mention how much fun MaEmon and I had cosplaying two of the characters (Davey and Owen respectively) at Manifest back in August.

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We’re bound to linger on.

What up, losers? Insulting people is an appropriate way to begin a blog entry, yes?

Well, even in the event that it isn’t, I’ve made my choices and am committed to them, for better or for worse. Mostly worse.

Speaking of poor life choices that I’m committed to, Separation Anxiety, is still a thing that is somehow managing to still be happening! The prologue reached its conclusion some weeks ago and first chapter has since commenced.

Separation Anxiety (comic)
Updates are still on Thursdays.

But that isn’t really why I’m here today.

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All I’ve got is what you didn’t take.

Next month is October. At the end of October is Halloween. If there’s one pseudo-holiday I get needlessly excited for, it’s Halloween.

As a child I never got particularly excited for it. If I recall correctly we went trick-or-treating maybe two or three times, but it just isn’t a terribly big event in Australia (despite the marketing attempts of many stores; but I don’t know, maybe times have changed since I was a kid).

Personally I think it’s kind of a shame, coming from a family that regularly celebrated mid-winter along with Christmas and Easter, that one of the seasonal holidays was more or less left out (and also a little confusing that everything is seasonally backwards in Australia; seriously, fertility in autumn and death in spring? Come on, guys).

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Couldn’t good be good enough?

Hey, so, uh… Not really sure how to start this one…?

Did you know I can’t ingest caffeine? I mean, I can (obviously, I could ingest a lot of things if I wanted to) but the results of doing so are less than enjoyable and could potentially prove lethal, so it’s in my best interest not to do so.
The fun part is working out exactly how much of that is an exaggeration.

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With two doors to choose, but only one bears your name.

On Saturday the 5th of May, 2012, I, along with some friends- and a few hundred other people, wandered on over to Federation Square in Melbourne, in full costume, in the rain, in order to partake in AiE‘s attempt to set the world record for “Largest Crowd Dressed as Video Game Characters”.

With 470 participants things were looking promising (the previous record being around 425), however, the rules set by Guinness were quite strict so it would take some time for them to go through and validate all of the evidence. In the mean time they left us with showbags of goodies for our efforts.

Fast-forward one year later and we finally received the good news we’d been waiting for; despite the dreary weather driving many would-be participants away, our attempt had been successful!

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Does anybody know right now exactly where you are?

Manifest was a full on weekend this year and after working so hard on costumes everything ended up coming together with barely a hitch in the road… barely…

On Friday I headed over relatively early, arriving somewhere in the vicinity of 10am. More or less I was simply there to get my bearings, see where everything was, pick up a show bag (mostly for the timetable) and do some minor shopping (which resulted in some DVDs and a cute alpaca toy for my mother who recently spent some time in hospital).

It’s one of the small sized “AlPacasso” toys. So cute!

Being in costume that day also involved a couple of hugs and photos (but not too many, since Fridays at Manifest tend to be pretty quiet).

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