No sympathy for one another and nowhere left to go.

In less than one week I can go from disgraced-junkie-surgeon to faun prince…

Rothschild VS. Mei
Not that I can’t go from Karkat Vantas to Dave Strider in a matter of hours, but my only social interactions on that particular day involved cats and being alone with the webcam.

It’s that exploration of identity through costume yet again. Plus it’s going to be year of the goat soon so let’s keep thinking those Capra thoughts.

Too bad there’s no “year of the medical malpractice” eh?

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Spider webs of steel and stone subdivide our given home.

Every few months I make a point to go through the closet and sort through all of my clothing. As somebody with limited space, little self-control, a constant stream of costumes, and a penchant for opp-shops- it is a necessity, lest I drown myself in garments.

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Let’s get unprofessional.

For the first time in my life I am undergoing actual medical treatment for anxiety. Please forgive me if I come across as super stoked or uncharacteristically enthusiastic for the next couple of weeks, motivation hit me like a truck as a seemingly direct result and I don’t know where it is going!

Cholecalciferol, sertraline, and caffeine.
Breakfast, the Rothschild way.

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Everything that matters to me matters in this world.

The new year has hit and I can’t help but wonder… if it’s 2015… does that mean I have to get in the fucking robot now? Y’know, eternally being an emotionally challenged 14 year old and all? Or does it only count if you were actually born in 2001?

Is everybody sick of Evangelion references yet? Should I start on Back to the Future instead?

… No?


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I’ve lost control- I don’t want it back.

It’s that time of year again. That is, the time where I settle in for aestivation and pretend adult responsibilities don’t exist.

Me avoiding my responsibilities.

Sorry for the general absence. In particular I apologise for not updating the comic since… August? There are pages in progress, this is merely a case of neglect rather than all out abandonment, and I do intend on having at least one more up before the end of the year. If my intentions even hold any real value at all.

Things have actually been quite good recently (outside of the usual anxiety and heat-exhaustion this time of year brings; perhaps I should move to the northern hemisphere? If Christmas and summer didn’t coincide my coping mechanisms may not be stretched quite so thin). Or at least busy, which is why some things have been neglected; there is only so much time in any given day.

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The devil’s on your back, but I know you can shake him off.

It isn’t exactly a secret that I’ve been wanting to rework my Commander Keen costume after busting him out for PAX Aus 2013 for the first time since 2011- and as of the recent Melbourne Zombie Shuffle, this has clearly been a successful endeavour.

Hanged Commander Keen.
Hanged Keen in reference to Doom II – MAP32: Grosse.

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But you have always known this is not all there is.

Have I mentioned that it’s October? No? Would you have noticed if I didn’t point it out just now? What’s that? You don’t need me to inform you of the functionality of the calendar year? Okay, whatever, just trying to share some joy.

Halloween joy, that is. All 31 days of it. Yep.

Okay, maybe not, too many Australians are spoil-sports about the whole skeleton-war thing for reasons I am yet to determine. Is it the fun aspect? Is Australia anti-fun?

But I digress.

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