Category Archives: work in progress

Setting fire to the sky.

On an overcast afternoon in January a group of about eight students, two assistants, two models, and one teacher took over a quiet local park for a costume photography workshop hosted by local friend and photographer Neil Creek.

Being that I’d managed to get Oberon’s trousers finished prior to the class it seemed like as good a time as any to field test them, albeit with a stronger goat flavouring.

Maria Bastin - Goat
| Photograph by Maria Bastin |

The goat was modelling alongside Asuna Yuuki of Sword Art Online (beautifully portrayed by the talented Ayuri Cosplay).

Maria Bastin - Goat & Asuna Yuuki
| Photograph by Maria Bastin | Sword Art Online – Asuna Yuuki by Ayuri Cosplay |

Fantasy costumes lent themselves well to the setting, and the two different styles gave the students plenty to work with.

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Nothing you’d miss, but it means the world to me.

So there was a big Windows update the computer bullied me into installing recently, you know the one, the one that said “all your files are exactly where you left them” when it was done, because that definitely isn’t the sort of thing somebody who just fucked around with all your files would say.

Sure they are.
Not that I’m calling Windows a liar or anything.

So of course, using a laptop, the track-pad was switched back on and the drivers had to be reinstalled to turn the damn thing off again. Why? Every single time.

Then it became apparent that my preferred office software was not compatible with the update and also needed to be updated. Don’t even get me started on the Cintiq’s reaction to all this!

So, sure Windows, my files were exactly where I left them, it’s just that 80% of them didn’t damn well work any more.

But we’re back in order now so, grumbling over operating systems aside:

Happy 2016!

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Even if we can’t find heaven, I’ll walk through hell with you.

Halloween came and went. There wasn’t much of a celebration on my end, didn’t even make the annual Melbourne Zombie Shuffle (opting instead to check out a local festival), the only notable task being an optometrist appointment, which wasn’t so much “spooky” as it was “six months overdue”.

Guess who needs two pairs of glasses because they said no to bifocals?

Probably gonna be legally blind in one eye by the time I'm 30.
This guy. This guy right here.

Apparently my good eye is no longer compensating for the bad one where distance is concerned.
Actually I take back what I said about it not being spooky, my lack of depth perception is downright terrifying.

Aside from the new spectacles, October found me embarking on an “inktober” drawing challenge, where one picture was drawn each day of the month- much to the delight of my RSI. It could’ve ended disastrously, considering the last “30 day” drawing challenge I took lasted 15 months, but keeping it simple with ink-based traditional mediums and enforcing an A4 size limit, somehow the full 31 days were successfully achieved!

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You’ll have to watch me struggle from several rooms away.

It was my birthday a few weeks back, has it been long enough that nobody expects me to organise anything? Yes? Good.

If anybody asks: I’m still 14.

Heck, after the amount of Yu-Gi-Oh I’ve been watching recently I’ve got to say, actual 14 year old me would be super proud of the fact that I generally dress like I’m on my way to duel Seto Kaiba.

Just as soon as my henchmen kidnap Mokuba.
While I’m willing to admit that the whole belt-phase and some of the sillier things my hair has experienced over the years were not uninspired by Kazuki Takahashi’s character designs; it’s been 10 years since I last watched this nonsense-
My eyeliner has a lot of explaining to do.
Or maybe I just shouldn’t keep that huge Yami Yugi poster in the same room as my make-up…?

It’s all in the impractically tight pants, friends. It’s all in the pants. Commit to the tight pants.
Sitting down is no longer an option.

[ E m B r A c E t H e P a N t S ]

Holy shit this is so off-topic, I'm sorry.
Why yes, my body is ready for The Dark Side of Dimensions, how could you tell?

But unfortunately the nuanced complexities of the affectionate interdependence fostered between the Kaiba brothers is not the point of today’s entry. As fascinating as their relationship* is.

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No sympathy for one another and nowhere left to go.

In less than one week I can go from disgraced-junkie-surgeon to faun prince…

Rothschild VS. Mei
Not that I can’t go from Karkat Vantas to Dave Strider in a matter of hours, but my only social interactions on that particular day involved cats and being alone with the webcam.

It’s that exploration of identity through costume yet again. Plus it’s going to be year of the goat soon so let’s keep thinking those Capra thoughts.

Too bad there’s no “year of the medical malpractice” eh?

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Spider webs of steel and stone subdivide our given home.

Every few months I make a point to go through the closet and sort through all of my clothing. As somebody with limited space, little self-control, a constant stream of costumes, and a penchant for opp-shops- it is a necessity, lest I drown myself in garments.

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Let’s get unprofessional.

For the first time in my life I am undergoing actual medical treatment for anxiety. Please forgive me if I come across as super stoked or uncharacteristically enthusiastic for the next couple of weeks, motivation hit me like a truck as a seemingly direct result and I don’t know where it is going!

Cholecalciferol, sertraline, and caffeine.
Breakfast, the Rothschild way.

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Everything that matters to me matters in this world.

The new year has hit and I can’t help but wonder… if it’s 2015… does that mean I have to get in the fucking robot now? Y’know, eternally being an emotionally challenged 14 year old and all? Or does it only count if you were actually born in 2001?

Is everybody sick of Evangelion references yet? Should I start on Back to the Future instead?

… No?


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